Ceilidh Diary

The diary is the heart of MikesCommunity. It's fully interactive, containing a list of events which have been submitted be people in the ceilidh community. The sharing of responsibility for adding and maintaining the diary keeps it alive and up-to-date.
Anyone can submit a ceilidh to the diary. You have full control over the entries you submit, which means you can edit them later or even delete them if necessary. Simply click the button at upper right. You'll first have the option to log on or register and then you just fill in a simple form. Your ceilidh will appear in the diary immediately.
+ Submit a new entry to the diaryFebruary 2025
Fri 7th, Pentlands Ceilidh Band, Burntisland Parish Church Hall, 7pm-11.30pm, organised by Stewart Paton, tel: 07972 255179. Fundraiser for Burntisland Highland Games Tickets £10 adults and £5 under 16 BYOB. Raffle and rolling pound coins at the bottle during the break
Sat 8th, Matt Carlyle, Canon Hoban Hall, Broxburn, 19:00-22:00, £10.00, organised by Mair Tyler. Fundraising ceilidh in aid of the British Red Cross. Family-friendly, children free with accompanying adult. Cash bar & raffle. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fundraising-ceilidh-in-aid-of-the-british-red-cross-tickets-1129604470379?aff=oddtdtcreator
Sat 15th, Canongate Cadjers, Portobello Town Hall, 147 - 149 Portobello High St, Portobello, Edinburgh EH15 1AF, 7:00pm-11pm, £13.00 (£10.00 concession), organised by Mary, email: Mmnjoki2002@yahoo.com. Fundraiser ceilidh for Osigili Maasai Children Foundation charity in Kenya. Further details to follow. Tickets £10 on-line Eventbrite plus admin; £13 cash at the door. African dancing display at the interval. For Osigili Maasai Children Foundation in BYOB (Please help clear bottles and glasses) There will be a raffle. Buy tickets online at Eventbrite £10 plus administration fee Or cash only at the door £13 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fundraising-ceilidh-for-osigili-maasai-children-foundation-in-kenya-tickets-987240903117 If you have any questions please email Mary Njoki at mmnjoki2002@yahoo.com Save the date please.
Sat 15th, Valentines weekend - Laldie Ceilidh featuring The Cutting Edge, Assembly Roxy, 2 Roxburgh Place, Edinburgh EH8 9SU, 8pm-11pm, £13.00, organised by Patrick Steuart, email: pksteuart@gmail.com, tel: 07717290760. A Laldie Ceilidh is part of a great Saturday night. Develop a Saturday ceilidh habit. This is suitable for all fun-loving people, including first-timers. You don't have to do it right, you just have to be ready to try (and ready for a laugh). We demonstrate, practice and call dances to suit the overall crowd - and there are always experienced dancers to follow. Licensed Bar. Doors open 7:30pm, dancing from 8pm, ends 11pm. Please note tickets are on sale at Eventbrite and at the venue website. These are separate ticket allocations. One source may sell out before the other. . . . . https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/laldie-ceilidh-with-the-cutting-edge-tickets-1209181467319 . . . . . https://assemblyroxy.com/ . . . . . Facebook @LaldieCeilidhs
Sat 22nd, Portobello Ceilidh Band, St Bride's Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace Edinburgh EH11 2DZ, 7.30pm-11pm, £12.00 (£8.00 concession), organised by Scots Music Group, email: admin@scotsmusic.org, tel: 0131 447 9548. Our ceilidhs are enjoyed by all ages and are friendly, informal and fun. You’ll be made welcome whether you come on your own or with a party. You don’t need to know what to do – a caller will explain the dances and there are lots of friendly folk to give you a hand and get everyone up dancing! Tickets £12/£8 in advance & £15/£10 on the door. Tickets are available to buy through the SMG website https://www.scotsmusic.org/ceilidhs/
Sat 22nd, Ceilidh Minogue, Southside Community Centre, 20:00-11pm, £12.50, organised by Jets Volleyball, email: jetsvc@gmail.com . Ceilidh '25, Jets Volleyball Ceilidh, Southside Community Centre, Finish time may be 10:30 or later. More details try emailing ; tickets: https://zfrmz.eu/TNHn6dpUClTyhyfUWyKI
Sat 22nd, Hud Yer Wheesht, Portobello Town Hall, 7pm-11.30pm, £15.00 (£10.00 concession), organised by ceilidh collective, email: robin@boe.org.uk, tel: 07590116750. A fundraiser for Friends of the Earth Scotland and Porty Community Energy with Bollywood dancing, licensed bar, raffle, and over three hours of ceilidh dancing. For details and to book tickets: www.ceilidhcollective.org
Sat 22nd, HLI, Charteris Centre, 8pm-11pm, £10.00, organised by Ken Gourlay, email: ken@edinburghceilidhs.net, tel: 0131 339 5374. With caller Ken Gourlay and ceilidh band. Soft drinks £1, alcohol £3. All dances walked through and called. Good exercise and great fun. "It's so joyful" - Japanese tourist. Please try to arrive before 8pm as we have a 5-minute warm-up at 8pm to reduce the risk of injuries. Mobile phones and tablets: taking photos or videos is OK but if you need to answer / make a call / text / browse etc. (musicians find this very rude) please do so outside the dance room in the foyer. No high heels please. edinburghceilidhs.net ken@edinburghceilidhs.net 0131 339 5374 (24 hours)
Thu 27th, Dinner and Ceilidh with Iain MacPhail Ceilidh Band, Edinburgh Zoo, 134 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 6TS, 7pm-11pm, £35.00, organised by Adoption UK Scotland, email: scotland@adoptionuk.org.uk. Featuring the brilliant Iain MacPhail Ceilidh Band, this is set to be a fantastic evening of music and dancing to raise funds for Adoption UK Scotland’s vital work supporting young people who have been adopted, are in foster or kinship care, or who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Ticket price includes a hot buffet meal. This event is licensed and for over-18s only. Book on Eventbrite (search Adoption UK Fundraising ceilidh)
Fri 28th, Annasach Ceilidh Band, The Counting House, Edinburgh, 8pm-11pm, £15.00 (£12.00 concession), organised by Annasach Ceilidhs, email: info@annasach.co.uk. Come and dance to Annasach Ceilidh Band at our regular Ceilidh at The Counting House, Edinburgh from 8pm. All dances can be called so beginners welcome. Complimentary dram of Johnnie Walker Black Label included. Tickets available from https://www.annasachceilidhs.info
Fri 28th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
March 2025
Sat 15th, St Patrick's weekend - Laldie Ceilidh featuring Deoch 'n' Dorus, Assembly Roxy, 2 Roxburgh Place, Edinburgh EH8 9SU, 8pm-11pm, £13.00, organised by Patrick Steuart, email: pksteuart@gmail.com, tel: 07717290760. A Laldie Ceilidh is part of a great Saturday night. Develop a Saturday ceilidh habit. This is suitable for all fun-loving people, including first-timers. You don't have to do it right, you just have to be ready to try (and ready for a laugh). We demonstrate, practice and call dances to suit the overall crowd - and there are always experienced dancers to follow. Licensed Bar. Doors open 7:30pm, dancing from 8pm, ends 11pm. Please note tickets are on sale at Eventbrite and at the venue website. These are separate ticket allocations. One source may sell out before the other. . . . . https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/laldie-ceilidh-with-deoch-n-dorus-tickets-1209192690889 . . . . . https://assemblyroxy.com/ . . . . . Facebook @LaldieCeilidhs
Fri 21st, St Patrick's Day Ceilidh Plus Band, King's Hall, 41A S Clerk St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9NZ, 18.30-21.30, £12.00 (£10.00 concession), organised by Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland, email: info@tdfs.org. Join us for an evening of social dancing to live music from Scotland, Ireland and Bulgaria. You are welcome to attend, dance or watch along. Trust our Scottish, Irish and Bulgarian dance artists to show you the steps. Enjoy this one-of-a kind traditional dance mash-up set to the live music of our hand-picked cracking band. Don't miss your only chance to learn Bulgarian folk dances on the same night as dancing a Dashing White Sergeant and a St Patrick's Day Irish Ceili. Boom! Come, dance, get involved at a ceilidh with a difference. Tickets available:https://www.tdfs.org/ceilidhplus/
Fri 28th, Annasach Ceilidh Band, The Counting House, Edinburgh, 8pm-11pm, £15.00 (£12.00 concession), organised by Annasach Ceilidhs, email: info@annasach.co.uk. Come and dance to Annasach Ceilidh Band at our regular Ceilidh at The Counting House, Edinburgh from 8pm. All dances can be called so beginners welcome. Complimentary dram of Johnnie Walker Black Label included. Tickets available from https://www.annasachceilidhs.info
Fri 28th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sat 29th, Da Hooley Ceilidh Band, St Bride's Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace Edinburgh EH11 2DZ, 7.30pm-11pm, £12.00 (£8.00 concession), organised by Scots Music Group, email: admin@scotsmusic.org, tel: 0131 447 9548. Our ceilidhs are enjoyed by all ages and are friendly, informal and fun. You’ll be made welcome whether you come on your own or with a party. You don’t need to know what to do – a caller will explain the dances and there are lots of friendly folk to give you a hand and get everyone up dancing! Tickets £12/£8 in advance & £15/£10 on the door. Tickets are available to buy through the SMG website https://www.scotsmusic.org/ceilidhs/
April 2025
Fri 11th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sun 13th, The Clappy Doo band will play for a pre-Easter ceilidh, in the Barn, Kidlaw Farm near Gifford, EH41 4JW , 7pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Bett Morrison, email: Kidlaw64@gmail.com, tel: 07549371478. Includes a supper bowl of curry or chilli (plus a vegi alternative). BYOB. Pay CASH on the night but please do let Bett know your party size in advance, to aid "portion control".
Fri 18th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 25th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sat 26th, Bella McNab's Dance Band, St Bride's Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace Edinburgh EH11 2DZ, 7.30pm-11pm, £12.00 (£8.00 concession), organised by Scots Music Group, email: admin@scotsmusic.org, tel: 0131 447 9548. Our ceilidhs are enjoyed by all ages and are friendly, informal and fun. You’ll be made welcome whether you come on your own or with a party. You don’t need to know what to do – a caller will explain the dances and there are lots of friendly folk to give you a hand and get everyone up dancing! Tickets £12/£8 in advance & £15/£10 on the door. Tickets are available to buy through the SMG website https://www.scotsmusic.org/ceilidhs/
Sat 26th, Ceilidh Plus Band , King's Hall, 41A South Clerk Street, Edinburgh EH8 9NZ, 6.30pm-9.30pm, £12.00 (£10.00 concession), organised by Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland , email: info@tdfs.org. Join us for an evening of social dancing to live music from Scotland, Poland and Hungary. You are welcome to attend, dance or watch along. Trust our Scottish, Polish and Hungarian dance artists to show you the steps. Enjoy this one-of-a-kind traditional dance mash-up set to the live music of our hand-picked cracking band. Don't miss your only chance to learn Polish and Hungarian folk dances on the same night as dancing a Dashing White Sergeant. Plus, it is part of Pomegranates - Scotland's world dance festival. Boom! Come, dance, get involved at a ceilidh with a difference. Tickets available: https://www.tdfs.org/ceilidhplus/
May 2025
Fri 2nd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 9th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 16th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 23rd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sat 24th, Greater Spotted Ceilidh Band, Portobello Town Hall, 7pm-11.30pm, £15.00 (£10.00 concession), organised by ceilidh collective, email: robin@boe.org.uk, tel: 07590116750. A fundraiser for Medical Aid for Palestinians with licensed bar, raffle, and over three hours of ceilidh dancing. For details and to book tickets: www.ceilidhcollective.org
Fri 30th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 30th, Annasach Ceilidh Band, The Counting House, Edinburgh, 8pm-11pm, £15.00 (£12.00 concession), organised by Annasach Ceilidhs, email: info@annasach.co.uk. Come and dance to Annasach Ceilidh Band at our regular Ceilidh at The Counting House, Edinburgh from 8pm. All dances can be called so beginners welcome. Complimentary dram of Johnnie Walker Black Label included. Tickets available from https://www.annasachceilidhs.info
Sat 31st, Sensational Jimi Shandrix Experience, St Bride's Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace Edinburgh EH11 2DZ, 7.30pm-11pm, £12.00 (£8.00 concession), organised by Scots Music Group, email: admin@scotsmusic.org, tel: 0131 447 9548. Our ceilidhs are enjoyed by all ages and are friendly, informal and fun. You’ll be made welcome whether you come on your own or with a party. You don’t need to know what to do – a caller will explain the dances and there are lots of friendly folk to give you a hand and get everyone up dancing! Tickets £12/£8 in advance & £15/£10 on the door. Tickets are available to buy through the SMG website https://www.scotsmusic.org/ceilidhs/
June 2025
Fri 6th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 13th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 20th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 27th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sat 28th, Band TBC, St Bride's Centre, 10 Orwell Terrace Edinburgh EH11 2DZ, 7.30pm-11pm, £12.00 (£8.00 concession), organised by Scots Music Group, email: admin@scotsmusic.org, tel: 0131 447 9548. Our ceilidhs are enjoyed by all ages and are friendly, informal and fun. You’ll be made welcome whether you come on your own or with a party. You don’t need to know what to do – a caller will explain the dances and there are lots of friendly folk to give you a hand and get everyone up dancing! Tickets £12/£8 in advance & £15/£10 on the door. Tickets are available to buy through the SMG website https://www.scotsmusic.org/ceilidhs/
July 2025
Wed 2nd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 4th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 9th, tbc, Linlithgow Palace open air OUTSIDE in the Great Hall, 7:30pm-10:15pm, £13.00, organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop, email: ScotchHopCommittee@Gmail.com. Scottish dancing for ALL, Linlithgow Palace open air (or alternative wet weather venue Low Port Centre opposite Tesco). Lively, friendly & fun - great Scottish bands. Wednesdays 7:30pm until dark. On-line tickets nearer the time from: https://scotchhop.org.uk/
Wed 9th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 11th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 16th, tbc, Linlithgow Palace open air - The Great Hall, 7:30pm-10:15pm, £13.00, organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop, email: ScotchHopCommittee@Gmail.com. Scottish dancing for ALL, Linlithgow Palace open air (or alternative wet weather venue Low Port Centre opposite Tesco). Lively, friendly & fun - great Scottish bands. Wednesdays 7:30pm until dark. On-line tickets nearer the time from: https://scotchhop.org.uk/
Wed 16th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 18th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 23rd, tbc, Linlithgow Palace open air - The Great Hall, 7:30-10:15pm, £13.00, organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop, email: ScotchHopCommittee@Gmail.com. Scottish dancing for ALL, Linlithgow Palace open air (or alternative wet weather venue Low Port Centre opposite Tesco). Lively, friendly & fun - great Scottish bands. Wednesdays 7:30pm until dark. On-line tickets nearer the time from: https://scotchhop.org.uk/
Wed 23rd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 25th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 30th, tbc, Linlithgow Palace open air - The Great Hall, 7:30pm-10:15pm, £13.00, organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop, email: ScotchHopCommittee@Gmail.com. Scottish dancing for ALL, Linlithgow Palace open air (or alternative wet weather venue Low Port Centre opposite Tesco). Lively, friendly & fun - great Scottish bands. Wednesdays 7:30pm until dark. On-line tickets nearer the time from: https://scotchhop.org.uk/
Wed 30th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
August 2025
Fri 1st, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 6th, tbc, Linlithgow Palace open air - The Great Hall, 7:30pm-10:15pm, £13.00, organised by Linlithgow Scotch Hop SCIO, email: ScotchHopCommittee@Gmail.com. Scottish dancing for ALL, Linlithgow Palace open air (or alternative wet weather venue Low Port Centre opposite Tesco). Lively, friendly & fun - great Scottish bands. Juice & shortbread at the interval included in ticket price. Wednesdays 7:30pm until dark. On-line tickets nearer the time from: https://scotchhop.org.uk/
Wed 6th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 8th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 13th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 15th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 20th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 22nd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 27th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 29th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Sat 30th, HotScotch Ceilidh Band, Melrose Corn Exhange, 7.30pm-10.45pm, £12.00 (£5.00 concession), organised by Paul Chamberlain, email: info@myceilidh.co.uk, tel: 07799896050. HotScotch Ceilidh Band return to the Corn Exchange in Melrose for another Summer Ceilidh on Saturday 30th August. Come along and enjoy a wonderful night of dancing with the band featuring Paul Chamberlain - Accordion, Michael Haywood - Fiddle & Jim Walker - Drums. All dances will be called so everybody can join in and have a brilliant evening. Bring your own refreshments. Tickets - £12 U16s - £5 https://melrose-ceilidh.eventbrite.co.uk www.myceilidh.co.uk
September 2025
Wed 3rd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 5th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 10th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 12th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 17th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 19th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: C. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Wed 24th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 26th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
October 2025
Fri 3rd, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 10th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 17th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 24th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 31st, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
November 2025
Fri 7th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 14th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 21st, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
Fri 28th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £10.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Fun Night. No Need to Book - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs
December 2025
Tue 16th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £15.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Christmas Party Fun Night. No Need to Book (unless more than 6 persons - send email) - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook Info: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs https://www.facebook.com/cadjersband
Wed 17th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £15.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Christmas Party Fun Night. No Need to Book (unless more than 6 persons - send email) - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook Info: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs https://www.facebook.com/cadjersband
Fri 19th, Cadjers Ceilidh Band, British Legion Hall, 33 Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL, 8.00pm-10.30pm, £15.00, organised by Edinburgh 'Open House' Ceilidh Events, email: cadjersband@gmail.com. Traditional Ceilidh. Great Christmas Party Fun Night. No Need to Book (unless more than 6 persons - send email) - Pay at the Door (Cash only for Bar & Entry). Live Band with Caller. Licenced Bar. Suitable for age 10yrs+. Doors Open 7.30pm. Facebook Info: Edinburgh Open House Ceilidhs https://www.facebook.com/cadjersband
Sat 27th, HotScotch Ceilidh Band, Ratho Church Hall, Baird Road, Ratho, Edinburgh. EH28 8NP, 7.30pm-10.30pm, £12.00 (£5.00 concession), organised by Paul Chamberlain, email: info@myceilidh.co.uk, tel: 07799896050. HotScotch Ceilidh Band are back for another special pre-Hogmanay ceilidh on Saturday 27th December 2025 in Ratho Church Hall. Featuring Paul Chamberlain - Accordion, Michael Haywood - Fiddle & Jim Walker - Drums. All dances will be called so everybody can join in and have a brilliant evening. BYOB Tickets - £12, U16s - £5 - https://winterceilidh25.eventbrite.co.uk www.myceilidh.co.uk